Right now the world is going through unprecedented times due the Covid-19 pandemic and we hope that everyone is dealing with it well and will remain safe!
What has this got to do with your blog you might ask? Well this is just a funny short story on how the coronavirus stopped us using our real models!
Flashback 4 weeks and myself, Stu & Hevs had our first meeting in my home while eating a Chinese takeaway! I can't wait for those days to return! We went through our visions for Coast 2 Coast and outlined our initial designs and business plans. During this meeting we decided who we wanted as our models to start with for C2C and we were all happy with the decisions. So, off I went contacted all the models, they all said "Yeah, I'll do it"...perfect! Now we're just waiting on our clothing to be made.
Fast forward 2 weeks from meeting 1 and the Coronavirus is starting to shut down the UK. Friday comes around, I'm sat in my stall in the Devils' dressing room about to get kitted up ready for training when our GM comes in and says to wait before going on the ice because the league is probably going to shut down! The news comes through and our season is cancelled!
Jump another week forward to a Monday and we pick up our stock in Cardiff, a few hours later Boris Johnson announces that we are going in to lockdown and no unnecessary journeys can be made. This means that we can no longer photograph the models we want to! Here we are, stuck with our new stock ready to launch and we can't get it out because we have no models to wear our brand. So, I drafted in my wife Jade, she didn't want to be the model...took too long to do her hair and make up apparently...meaning that she would have to go behind the camera and I would have to go in front of it! Contrary to popular belief I actually hate being in front of a camera having to pose, plus I don't really have the body of a model!! But Jade managed to get a few pictures that worked and made me look fairly good, meaning that I suddenly became the model on all our pictures.
Now, I can't wait for life to go back to normal so we can see friends and family again but also I can't wait to be able to get some photos of our models, give you a variety of looks and take my mugshot off our website!!
For now though, I'll have to do...
